
Group: DynoMotion Message: 8116 From: gradient_systems Date: 8/17/2013
Subject: Kmotion_dotNet Bugs
Hi Tom,

I am using the Kmotion_dotNet DLL in several machines. I have been extremely happy with it, but I have been keeping a list of some minor fixes I would like to see incorporated in the next releases.

I have a work-around for most of the issues, but the solutions would be cleaner if these got implemented in the DLL.

1) CurrentLineText always returns an empty string. I would like to use this to get the Gcode block in an MCode callback. Currently, I am using the CurrentLine property and parsing the original file to get the line text.

2) Interpreter.FileName does not track the currently executing program. (Always returns am empty string.

3) Setting the emc filename property doesn't change the emc file the interpreter uses.

4) There doesn't appear to be a way to save the emc vars file.

5) This isn't a bug... but it would be nice if the Interpret function was overloaded with a call that took a string as the parameter vs. having to specify a file on the hard disk.